Yancy & Yin

Name Yancy Riesling (left), Yin (right)
Age 24
Race Changeling
Hometown Highland Heights, Kalashport
Class Archfey Warlock (main), Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Status Alive


Yancy (sometimes known as "Normal Yancy" or their government name, Yancy Riesling) and Yin are Bali's player characters in the Faction Campaign. They share a body and also a wiki page. While Yancy appears to just be, like, hanging out most of the time, they, along with Yin are tasked with various "secret" quests by their patron, the Guardian Tree and its network of red maple tree portals. When sleeping, the two of them are able to access a dream realm inbetween the feywild and the material plane, where they converse and scheme with each other.

Personality and Relationships

While Yancy is boisterous, impulsive, outgoing, and eccentric, Yin always seems to be scheming and remains unexpressive despite being riddled with anxiety. For most of their life, Yancy was not conciously aware of Yin. Only after "unlocking" the dream realm with the magic mirror were they alerted to the other prescence in their mind. Initially, believing Yin to be some sort of cursed specter originating from the mirror, Yancy despises them. During this time, Yin would forcibly take their body to investigate their mysterious patron (and to keep Yancy from accidentally getting both of them killed), even though they are unadjusted to the material plane and deeply uncomfortable being percieved. Yin tends to run from conflict when possible, always prioritizing survival. Conversely, Yancy enjoys the thrill of the fight and takes pride in their battle prowess.

Over time, Yin and Yancy make a truce, as Yancy learns they are a changeling (and, therefore, obviously adopted) and searches for more information about their true nature. Yin typically advises Yancy from the shadows (to everyone else, it appears that Yancy has somehow suddenly gotten smarter), while Yancy fronts due to Yin's agoraphobia and underdeveloped social skills. Gradually, they have become... well, it's certainly something much more profound than can be described as "friends." Although they have certainly become more synchronized, their identities have simultaneously continued to diverge, as evidenced by their changing appearances. They are very protective over each other. Yancy struggles with a deep shame over their own fears and insecurities; Yin is the only person they feel comfortable expressing emotional vulnerability towards. Meanwhile, Yancy encourages Yin to develop their own sense of identity and tries to teach them about the various pleasures of the material realm.

Yancy is the adopted child of Norm Riesling, the rich owner of the Kalashport Shipping and Handling Company. He found them as an infant at one of the red maple trees, shortly after his biological child, the "real" Yancy, passed away. He decided to take them home and raise them as his own. Adopted or not, Norm genuinely considers Yancy his child and heir. Likewise, Yancy has never questioned his position as their father, even after learning the truth. However, all is not well. Norm hates Yin, does not acknowledge them as a person, and wants them gone. He is also against warlocks (and other such uses of magic by the "common people"), despite being a sorcerer himself. When they first became a warlock and conciously realized Yin's existence, they accidentally "disappeared" Norm in the ensuring conflict. Yancy and Norm both have a strange, awkward demeanor that they take advantage of to conceal their cunning machinations. Despite their similarities (or perhaps because of their similarities..?), Yancy thinks that Norm is crazy and is secretly terrified of him. In the wake of their reconciliation with Yin, Yancy swears to protect their counterpart from Norm's theoretical wrath. Norm's wife is generally very dismissive of (and frequently annoyed by) Yancy.

While Yancy is friends with most of the party, Yin has only properly revealed themself as Yancy's alter recently. Before, Yin was known only as a mysterious member of The Prestige. Yancy co-owns The Bargoyle, a gargoyle themed bar in Downtown, with Fet and Mascarpone. Their interest in the business seems more focused on interior design, advertising, and comradery than the inner mechanisms of the business world... or drinks, for that matter. They were suspicious of Fet after they figured out he was a changeling while he was still pretending to be an elf wizard. Despite this, Yancy maintained a friendly rapport with him, and, ultimately, revealed their true nature to him after he dropped the act. Yin is currently allied with Rycan out of convenience, though they cannot help but despise him. For some time, Yancy was trying to get Yin to make their first friend (not counting Yancy themself, of course). This ended up being Tae-Hyun.

Yancy thinks of themself as friendly with several NPCs. Although they can sometimes come off as unsettling and/or aggressive, Yancy genuinely enjoys making friends and wants people to like and trust them, though Yancy themself has a rather difficult time trusting others. Conversely, the only NPC Yin has ever persued some sort of relationship with, Humphrey, died shortly after they met. Although the two take solace in each other, they often struggle with their unusal status making them something of an outsider in, like, every situation.


Yancy appears as a human with tan skin and chin-length fluffy brown hair. As the campaign progresses, they get several small scars, and their hair gets longer and messier. Their magic crystal glasses are opaque, though, if removed, their eyes have a pattern of black and white cocentric circles. For some reason, they are unable to change the appearance of their eyes with their changeling abilities. They heavily resemble their adoptive father, Norm. Although they usually wear practical adventuring clothing like leather armor and boots, they like to wear a silly jacket on top.

Yin retains most of their natural changeling features, although it should be noted that they are a somewhat odd looking changeling. They have pale blue skin, pale pink hair, sharp teeth, two-pointed ears, and a tiny pair of black horns. Initially, their hair is the same length as Yancy's, just pulled back. They later decide to deviate from the body's natural appearance by giving themself long hair. It is implied that they also use their transformation ability to get rid of their various scars and blemishes, though this cannot be confirmed due to how much of their body is always covered. Yin feels more comfortable with their face covered, so they wear a facemask and goggles instead of glasses (obviously still presciption). Their clothes tend to be loose and flowy layers, though they wear Yancy's armor for protection while adventuring. They have a predilection towards cloaks.

The two of them share the same facial structure and body type. They stand around 5'7" and weigh around 145 pounds. Without using any changeling abilities, their body has Yancy's hair and scars with the racial traits more often associated with Yin. Their ears are pieced. On some occassions, they will co-front for maximum efficiency, during which they have long brown hair with a streak of pink, tan skin, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and horns. Both Yin and Yancy tend to dress in red and teal paired with neutrals; since discovering the true nature of their patron, they also incorporate red maple leaf motifs into their outfits. They always carry their magic mirror.

They are actually a member of an exceedingly rare subrace that exists primarily within the dream realm, only breaching the physical planes on rare occassions. They are unaware of this, and they just mark "changeling" on the census because it's the closest species known to the material plane.



Midtown Arc

Canal District Arc


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