
Name Fet (Alias), Felice Tadeucci (Real name)
Age 26
Race Changling (pretending to be a High Elf)
Hometown Downtown, Kalashport
Class Inquisitive Rogue (pretending to be a wizard)
Status Alive


Fet is a businessman based in Downtown Kalashport. Mysteriously abandoned as a baby, he was found by Pecorino on the streets and raised to be a gangster. He and Pecorino both joined the Curds mafia, and carry out missions for their boss, Manchego. He is played by Mac in the Faction Campaign.

Personality and Relationships

Despite being a gangster for the ruthless Curds, Fet’s primary motivation is expanding his personal business. He took a loan from Manchego to buy a bar in Downtown Kalashport, outwardly as a front to train wizards, but earnestly works to improve and expand the business. He will help his friends with whatever missions they may have, especially if gives him the opportunity to network.

Fet prefers negotiation over sheer violence as a way to solve his problems. Tasked with driving Tess Mystique out of town, he made a deal with her so they could both get what they want without firing a single shot. Nevertheless, Fet was quick to use force against the POG officers in Midtown, driving them out of town by firing several shots.

Fet’s closest relationships are with his fellow Curds gangsters, Mascarpone and Pecorino. He and Mascarpone work together to carry out tasks for Manchego, and routinley scheme together to make sure that in any situation, the Curds, and especially the Bargoyle, come out on top.

In the Highland Heights arc of the Faction campaign, Fet became good friends with Tae-hyun, and they both work together to solve the mystery of the Elven Dynasty together.

Fet is nonchalant about the fact he is a Changeling, thinking that in a world of strange and magical creatures, a simple shapeshifter is nothing to bat an eye at. In comparison, Yancy. takes much interest in Fet, as they are each the only other Changeling to their knowledge they have met. Fet thinks there is some difference between the way he and Yancy function, but there are simply more important things to focus on than figuring that out.


Fet is a Changeling, though he most often fronts as a High Elf Wizard. He wears short shorts, a large jacket, and a bowtie, all in the color scheme of the Curds mafia. Fet has been known to use other fronts at times, once appearing as a bald middle aged man named Colin, and once as Yancy and Yin (much to the actual Yancy and Yin’s dislike)





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