
Name Humphrey
Age 250
Race Fey
Hometown Evening City, Feywild
Class Druid
Status Deceased


Humphrey was the second Archdruid of Evening City, holding the position for over 200 years. He was born in the Material Plane during the War of Guardian Spring, only to be taken through the Guardian Tree by his father into the Feywild. Humphrey’s life was artificially extended with the necrotic life potion created by Cypress. He willingly gave up immortality to help Yin, Rycan, and Tae restore the Guardian Tree. He is a major NPC in the Faction Campaign.

Personality and Relationships

Humphrey was long plagued by curiosity for the Material Realm, from which he was taken as an infant. Finding Evening City boring, Humphrey liked nothing more than stories from the occasional traveler who stumbled into the Feywild, relishing in the details he could have lived out in another life.

Humphrey has a flair for the narrative and the dramatic. He would see events happening around him as if they were parts of an overarching plot and compose himself as if he were an actor in a dramatic play, much to the annoyance of his Druid subordinates. This led to Cypress and the other Druids distrusting Humphrey and working behind his back, leaving him mostly powerless in Evening City politics.



Humphrey was born during the war between the Elven Dynasty and Guardian Spring 250 years before the events of the Faction Campagin. His father, Hubert, was the Archdruid of the Fey of Guardian Spring. As the war progressed, the Elven Dynasty gained an advantage over the swamps and was poised to kill the Elemental Guardian and take control of the region. In response, the Elemental Guardian gave its life to form the Guardian Tree through which the people of Guardian Spring could escape to the Feywild. Hubert and the Fey went through the portal first and closed it off from the other side in order to protect Humphrey from the war following them through. The Fey founded a new settlement in the Feywild, Evening City.

Humphrey was an infant when he went through the portal. He didn't remember anything about the material realm or the war, but one image persisted consistently in his dreams: a split second where he could see reflections of blank blue-white white faces staring back at him in some kind of place surrounded in clouds and mirrors. This dream reoccured off and on again his entire life.

As an adult, Humphrey fell in love with an Evening City jungle ranger named Violetberry around 220 years before the Faction Campagin. For sixty years, he carried out a secret relationship with her, as it was forbidden for the Druids of the Emergence layer to interact with commoners from the lower layers. When Violetberry died of old age, Humphrey was physically only forty years old. Humphrey found out Cypress was creating necrotic life potions by drawing energy from the Guardian Tree to make the Druids immortal. Humphrey objected to the scheme, but he was too depressed to do anything about it.

Faction Campaign

The party showed up to Evening City one day. Interested as he was in the Material Realm, Humphrey invited them to dinner in the Emergence for them to share their stories. At the dinner however, the group questioned Humphrey and the Druids' abuse of the Guardian Tree, causing Humphrey to cancel the diner early.

After the dinner, Humphrey was moved by Yin, Rycan, and Tae-hyun to finally put a stop to the Druids’ abuse of the Guardian Tree. He came up with a plan called “Evening’s End” in which he would help the party kill the Druids and destroy the mills once and for all. Once it was done, Humphrey only had a few hours to live. Before dying, Humphrey met Yin face to face. They shared an odd moment of recognition before saying goodbye forever.


Humphrey, like all the Fey, had purple-tinted skin and large pointed ears. He sported long blonde hair and was always seen wearing a simple crown and a golden chestplate inlaid with a red dragon scale and draped with a dark red cape. Despite the glamour of the rest of his outfit, Humphrey was always seen wearing plain sandals. Humphrey preferred birds while in animal form, usually taking the shape of a songbird, or rarely, a golden eagle.