The Prestige

Title The Prestige
Age 1 year
Leadership Amethyst the Wize
Location Midtown, Kalashport
Status Disbanded


The Prestige was a faction of Wizard Academy students who banded together in resistance of the Police Department's Stability Provision. Though comparatively insignificant, the Prestige was the first faction the party joined in the Faction Campaign..

Operations and Goals

The only goal of the Prestige was to have the Stability Provision abolished, allowing the students to go back to school. Before the party joined, there was dispute between the members on how to achieve their goal. Some preferred the peaceful method of distributing flyers and others wanted to attack police infrastructure in protest. The party decided that the Prestige should instead be an organization to train wizards in secret, using The Bargoyle as a safe location. This plan was never put into action however, as Lt. Bighammer's attack on Downtown necessitated more direct response.

Allies and Enemies

The Prestige had no allies at the start of the campaign, though Fet managed to convince Amethyst and Manchego that the Prestige and Curds should align their interests in opposition to the police. Manchego ended up giving Fet 1000 gold to support the cause of the Prestige, which he used to buy the Bargoyle.


Six months before the events of the Faction Campaign, police chief Lt. Bighammer's husband, Pumice Bighammer, was murdered at a Wizard Academy function by a gang of wizards called the Conjure Crew. Some wizards in attendance found and killed the Conjure Crew leadership, but Bighammer reacted anyway by enacting the Stability Provision, which banned magic in Kalashport. Since she could only enforce the law in Midtown, Bighammer reached a deal with The Curds that the Police would stay out of Curds business if they enforced the law in Downtown. Since the Wizard Academy of Kalashport was located in Downtown, this shut down academy operations and sent all the students home. Upset with being kicked out of school, student president Amy Weiss (Amethyst the Wize) formed the Prestige to overturn the law.

At the start of the Faction Campaign, the party found a flyer that contained a hidden rune that pointed potential new members to meet someone named Markistus at the bookstore. The party went and found a young student who vetted them with questions and then gave them a compass crystal that pointed to the Prestige's underground hideout. There they met the rest of the Prestige and began to decide how to overturn the Stability Provision. Once the party left, SCHNI appeared and attempted to arrest the Prestige for violating the Stability Provision. However, Weston, who was working with SCHNI to solve the Cloud kidnappings, suggested that SCHNI should have the Prestige help solve the case. SCHNI and the Prestige made a tense agreement to work together.

Later, Fet met with his boss Manchego to discuss aligning the Curds with the Prestige as a safeguard in case the Police started to encroach on Curds operations. Manchego agreed with Fet's plan and gave him money to open a location in Downtown to train wizards in secret. That night, the POG officers raided Downtown looking for Bardlox on suspicion that he was casting spells at his bar. The party and the Curds fought the POGs back to Midtown, but Markistus was arrested and Bardlox's bar was ransacked.

In an emergency meeting, the Prestige and the party decided how to deal with Bighammer's increasingly bold law enforcement while avoiding a faction war. Ultimately, the party and SCHNI decided to team up and infiltrate the Police Department to depose Bighammer as chief. They went in disguised and attacked the POGs by surprise. SCHNI went straight up to Bighammer's office and killed her. The rest of the police either surrendered to SCHNI or fled, leaving him in charge. SCHNI immediately abolished the Stability Provision and re-established peace with the Curds.

Now that the students could go back to school, the Prestige disbanded. Markistus and Agnatia returned to classes, but Amethyst decided to train under SCHNI to become a police chief one day. The party left Midtown shortly thereafter to pursue adventure in the Canal District.

Known Members
