Reverie Fey


The Reverie Fey are a rare subrace that exists primarily within the dream realm (also sometimes called "the space between planes"). As humanoid shapechangers, they are usually considered changelings, though their origins and abilities differ from that of the standard changeling.


Around 3000 years ago, a great interplanar disturbance occurred. A group of fey who lived around the epicenter were seemingly wiped from existence, though this was not quite the case - instead, the incident mutated them greatly and trapped them within a space between the planes. They wander the collective consciousness alone, rarely encountering others of their own kind. However, even long after the first generation faded into the ether, the glitch they created between the planes persisted. Occasionally, new Reverie Fey spawn randomly in the dream realm. They are "born" with full sentience and basic comprehension of the nature of the dream realm. They are not gifted with any knowledge on the nature of their species or existence, and, though many search for it, very few ever come to uncover this truth.

Most beings who encounter the Reverie Fey do not know what they are, though the dreams where they encounter them are always remembered. Some believe them to be deities or divine messengers, while others think they are malicious sprites or bad omens. Some will simply write them off as a figment of the imagination. Reverie Fey may impart information they've picked up through their dreamwalking to those they encounter. However, they rarely speak, instead using their auras to interface with others. This is a disorienting, alien sensation for other beings. They may choose to camp in a particular person's dreams or return to that location, if the individual in question interests them. In the feywild, those with significant magical and/or historical knowledge may know of the original disappeared fey group and that records of the Reverie Fey suggest they are a distinct subspecies. They are not well-known or documented in the material plane, where they are simply regarded as a type of changeling when they appear as physical beings.


Their default appearance is that of a humanoid with blue skin, pink or white hair, small black horns, sharp teeth, and double-pointed ears. Their eyes are patterned with concentric circles that make their gaze appear permanently unfocused. They are naturally sexless and do not conceptualize themselves with genders, though some may adopt the concept after encountering it among material beings. They visibly age in a similar manner to material species until the age of around 50-60. From then on, Reverie Fey appear increasingly wispy and immaterial as they become elderly. Their form fades into the ether once they have lived about 100 years, essentially dying of old age, and their soul passes on as that of any other creature would.

All Reverie Fey have the ability to manipulate their appearance, or, as they often refer to it, their "avatar." Unlike base changelings, they tend to have an attachment to their original form, since it represents their unique status as a being of dreams, though they usually conceal it from the public.


Although they lack a wider culture due to their solitary nature, the distinctive nature of their existence often causes common traits to develop between them. Reverie Fey tend to have peculiar morals (if they have any at all) and will act in their own self-interest more often than not, despite a loose sense of personal identity. They have no particular interest in good and evil, but they do tend towards philosophizing about the nature of the universe. Many are curious about the other planes and explore different inlets of the dream realm to learn about others' lives. They are shy creatures that easily feel threatened. They demand a great deal of control over any situation and hate to be encountered outside their own terms. Generally, they assume that it is impossible for material beings to truly understand the nature of their existence. Conversely, they struggle to understand the whims of other creatures.


Whilst in the dream realm, they can manipulate their surroundings to a great extent - changing their clothes, appearance, and surroundings. They transmit their will through the use of their powerful magic auras. They cannot kill other dreamers within the realm - doing so will simply cause them to wake up. Reverie Fey themselves are almost impossible to vanquish within the dream plane due to their great power over it.

Reverie Fey are already small in number, but they are even fewer outside of the dream plane. Sometimes, an exacerbation of the glitch will cause them to spawn outside the dream realm - in this case, they have a physical body as well as their dream realm form. In other cases, Reverie Fey that spawned in the dream realm uncover ways to break through and take a physical form in another plane. While they retain their lucid dreaming ability, those with a physical body remain tethered to it in the dream plane, which prevents them from exiting their own mind and entering the dreams of others, at least not without magical interference.

Outside of the dream plane, they retain a great propensity towards magic, though they are not nearly as powerful, as much of their energy is now diverted towards maintaining their physical body. Though, they retain their shapechanging abilities. Those who are more attuned to their magical nature may develop the ability to use their aura in the material realm to an extent, manifesting as various types of psychic abilities.


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