Kalashport Police

Title Kalashport Police Department
Age 100+ years
Leadership SCHNI
Location Midtown, Kalashport
Status Active


The Kalashport Police department is a military faction based in Midtown, Kalashport that serves as the region's de facto government. It was formed out of the remnants of the actual city police that converged on Midtown during the FerrCO collapse. It was initially an antagonist faction and then later an allied faction in the Faction Campaign It is the chosen faction allegiance of player character-turned-NPC SCHNI.

Operations and Goals

The simple goal of the Kalashport Police Department is to keep Midtown safe. The former chief, Lt. Bighammer, however, descended into authoritarianism, causing some in Midtown to question the Police's authority. Since SCHNI succeeded Bighammer, he has been an equitable leader who is focused on eliminating violent threats all throughout the city.

Allies and Enemies

The Police have no official faction alliances or enemies. SCHNI maintains positive relations with The Curds and the Highland Heights elites, and the Police does not interact with the Canal District factions. The Police and the Curds were almost in a faction war due to Lt. Bighammer sending officers to raid Downtown, but SCHNI and the party quickly ousted Bighammer and resolved the conflict. The party tends to avoid SCHNI and the police ever since leaving Midtown, but they aren't necessarily on bad terms.


The Kalashport Police department long kept the peace in Kalashport, or at least tried to, depending on whom you ask. The organization existed unnotably until FerrCO's collapse, which destroyed Kalashport' government and fractured the Police department. As the riots started, the Police all throughout the city converged on Midtown where they could create an area safe from the chaos. No longer affiliated with the city government, the Police became an independent entity responsible for governing Midtown.

When the Curds rose to power in Downtown, Lt. Bighammer, the chief at the time, signed a nonagression treaty with Manchego. Both sides kept their ends of the treaty until about six months before the Faction Campaign, when Lt. Bighammer's husband was murdered by a gang of wizards in Downtown. In response, Bighammer passed a decree called the Stability Provision, which bans magic and adventuring in Midtown. Magic users in Midtown had to either flee, give up casting, or go into hiding. Some Wizard Academy students created The Prestige faction to oppose the Stability Provision.

Shortly before the Faction Campaign, The Cloud came up with the idea to turn the Curds and the Police against each other by destabilizing Midtown by kidnapping people. SCHNI took the kidnappings more seriously than Bighammer, which began to turn him agianst her. The Cloud contacted Bighammer with the location of an artificer named Dunkenheimer, who had the ability to create powerful anti-magic weapons. Bighammer contracted the artificer to create gear for an elite force called Preventative Ongoing Governance (POG) officers, who could track down magic users and prevent violations to the Stability Provision.

The Cloud then tipped off Bighammer about Bardlox's concert in Downtown. As Bardlox was a magic user, Bighammer sent the POGs after him. This broke the nonagression treaty, and the Curds had no choice but to chase the POG officers out of Downtown. Enraged, Bighammer created a plan called "Operation Grilled Cheese" in which the entire POG force would raid Downtown to capture Manchego. The party caught word of the plan, and they infiltrated the police station and took out Bighammer before she could start a faction war. SCHNI then took over as chief, abolished the Stability Provision, and recalled the POG officers.

Since then, SCHNI has worked tirelessly to keep Kalashport safe and prevent any more violence. He hired Amethyst, the leader of the Prestige, to be his assistant, and the two tracked down the remaining rogue POG officers, as well as Dunkenheimer.

Known Members
