
Name Kevin Ngyuen
Age 40
Race Human
Hometown A suburb of Pulsa, Umbria
Class Battlesmith Artificer
Status Alive


As the organizer of the resistance and the party's primary taskgiver, Kevin is a major NPC in Bali DnD. He is also the singular employee of the woefully underfunded Inner Umbria Magical Risk Assessment Department, which serves partially as a cover for his anti-Oil antics. More recently, Kevin has discovered a strange machine from the lost civilization that he intends to repair. In the past, he was a member of the same adventuring party as Cinnamon (and his boyfriend).

Personality and Relationships

Kevin has a persistent, gloomy aura of exhaustion about him. He's a private person who doesn't openly express many emotions beyond exasperation. Kevin has little tolerance for nonsense and prefers to get straight to the point. Despite his rough exterior, he always acts with the intention to protect others. Kevin has a stong paternal instinct, though he would deny this if it was ever pointed out. He is very analytical and tries to maintain a calm, reasonable demeanor throughout every situation. Secretly, he is often plagued by anxieties about nearly everything in his life. He is dedicated to his work to the point of physical and mental detriment. When it comes to tactics, Kevin usually prefers to plan extensively and play it safe, though dire circumstances have forced him to take more risks. In his younger years, Kevin was something of a pushover and rather weak-willed, but he has overcome this in order to survive.

Cinnamon and Kevin have been deeply intertwined since the day they met. Kevin doesn't really believe in fate, but he does believe that he and Cinnamon shall never truly be rid of each other... so he might as well embrace it. Not that he minds - in the thirteen years since their traumatic separation, Kevin never quite fell out of love with him. Admittedly, Kevin can't help but feel more casual around Cinnamon, a welcome relief from the rest of his life. Cinnamon often encourages him to let loose and enjoy himself more often, while Kevin keeps Cinnamon from getting into too much trouble. Presently, their behavior around each other falls somewhere in-between, "old married couple" and "old divorced couple"... either way, this isn't all too different from their old dynamic. Initially, the tone may have been more hostile, but it's mellowed out into something of an outlet for both of them. Cinnamon has fun teasing Kevin, and Kevin is more gruff with him than he was in the olden days. Being the two mentor characters of the group and sharing many secrets and traumas, the two naturally feel more comfortable confiding in each other than with the comparatively young adventuring party. In private, they are more physically and emotionally intimate with each other. They are not very open about the nature of their relationship with the "kids," but it is certainly obvious to anyone with decent insight.

Shortly after leaving the old party and going off on his own, Kevin came across a grung tadpole, which he named Bubbles. Though he initially raised Bubbles, this stage of their relationship did not last long, as grungs reach maturity at one year of age. He and Bubbles are basically equals now. Bubbles is irresponsible and mischevious, and sometimes it takes every ounce of restraint in his body not to lash out. Kevin is at least grateful that Bubbles is able and willing to serve as the face of the resistance, as he is particularly anxious about organizing or attending social events.

Kevin hires the party consisting of Nag, Tanya, Tea, Solomaz, and Oleander to do tasks for him. In exchange, he protects them from the watchful eye of Oil Industries. Given the young ages of the party members, he tends to treat them a bit like kids (kids who he has accidentally become more fond of than he anticipated), though he still tries to hold them to the same expectations as any other subordinate. He sometimes pulls Oleander aside to assist him with his work on the mysterious machine. Kevin is familiar with Omni from his college years, and sometimes calls him in to help with magic item related business. However, their connection is not yet strong enough for him to disclose the true nature of his work to Omni.

He is the current owner of the orb Carol, and probably the closest thing to a friend she has. Although she is just as rude to him as anyone else, she sometimes offers him advice. Whilst he was stuck in the Keplinger Isles, Cinnamon used his psychic link to command her not to share any of his thoughts with Kevin. However, she continued to assure Kevin that Cinnamon was still alive since she was not explicitly banned from doing so.


Kevin is a middle-aged human man with a sturdy build. He's about 5'8," and while he is a bit overweight, he is muscular underneath and notably strong. He has short black hair with a few streaks of grey; despite being agnostic, he thanks the gods every day that he has not inheirited the male pattern baldness gene. He has bushy eyebrows and is often unshaven. However, he will not commit to growing a beard because his facial hair is patchy. Kevin is somewhat pale from spending most of his time working in the tunnels. His eyebags are very prominent. His clothes are usually black and grey with dull colors, as he does not like to draw attention to himself. He usually wears an armored jacket with the resistence symbol on it. As a young adult, he had a helix piercing that he has since removed.

He and Cinnamon have a set of "matching" bracelets. His initially had a silver dragon with a sapphire eye curled around a ruby, but he switched their bracelets before sending Cinnamon off to Keplinger Isle. Therefore, he wears a bracelet of a golden phoenix with a ruby eye curled around a sapphire until the two of them reunite, at which point they swap them back. It's usually hidden under his gauntlets when he wears his adventuring clothes.



