
Solomaz as he appears in Part 2 of BaliDnD

Name Solomaz, often "Private Solomaz"
Age 19
Race Lizardfolk
Hometown Iskioth, Umbria
Class Tempest Cleric
Status Alive


Solomaz is a young lizardfolk who left his small town in the Umbria Mining District in a desperate bid to form connections with humanity to protect his people. He is gifted with divine powers thanks to something he calls the "Tempest Element" which he believes gives him strength to catalyze change in the world. He is Henry's PC in BaliDnD.

Personality and Relationships

Solomaz is curious about human culture and traditions. He will often stumble over idioms or metaphors while trying to talk to humans, but that doesn’t discourage him from trying. After joining the Resistance, he assigned each member a military title because the organization reminded him of human armies he had heard about.

Solomaz is very interested in city planning. While not quite as bookish as Oleander, he can be found in libraries looking for information on the subject. Solomaz intends to modernize the infrastructure of Iskioth using city planning techniques he learns from human society.

Solomaz has a unique relationship with Cinnamon. Solomaz calls Cinnamon “Captain” and defers to him for many decisions, despite Cinnamon’s flair for the unpredictable. Solomaz likely admires Cinnamon’s free-spiritedness and sociability, or maybe he doesn’t notice Cinnamon’s issues as much as others do. Cinnamon in turn has shown to like Solomaz more than some of the other agents, perhaps for Solomaz’s directness and lower propensity to cause trouble. In contrast, Solomaz is afraid of and tries to avoid Kevin becuase his emotions are especially hard to read.


Like most Lizardfolk, Solomaz is tall and lean with a thick tail. He is covered in green scales and has a large orange frill on his head and the back of his neck. In Part 1, he wore basic hide pants, a backpack, and carried a large, two-pronged spear in the shape of a tuning fork. In Part 2 he wears a light blue heavily armored vest and steel-reinforced pants. He carries a three-pronged trident inlaid with draconic runes. He is noticeably more muscular in Part 2.



Solomaz hatched in an isolated volcanic hot spring village in Umbria's mining district called Iskioth. Growing up he showed considerable proficiency with the spear and he spent much of his time hunting. He didn't much care for the elements (his tribe's term for magic), although he was made to study them because his mother was the Elder of the Life Element.

Solomaz long had an interest in the outside world. He would sometimes encounter hunters who wander into the swamps, but they would never stay to chat (not that he knew Common anyway). One day, Oil Industries set up a fracking operation near Iskioth, so Solomaz went out to try to talk to the workers. To his surprise, they must have thought he was a threat and reacted by shooting crossbow bolts in his direction to make him retreat back into the swamps. Upset with his failed first impression, Solomaz returned to Iskioth and spent the night praying to the elements, begging to be granted the ability to speak with humans.

The elements responded in a bigger way Solomaz could have imagined. Tempest, the element of change, appeared to the young reptile and granted him not only the ability to read and write Common, but it also gave him divine magic and limited control over thunder and lightning. Tempest is regarded by Iskioth residents as the least understood, most chaotic element. It is uncommon to attune to it, and those who do usually end up changing the tribe in some significant way. Solomaz took this event to heart and thinks Tempest wants him to use his newfound strength to be an ambassador to human culture to protect Iskioth in case people like those Oil Industries miners venture further into the swamps.


Part 1

Solomaz left Iskioth and found himself in a nearby town called Dry Gulch. He met Nag, Tea, Oleander, and Oleander’s mentor Cinnamon in Dry Gulch and followed them to the Meteorite Festival. At the festival, Walter Cishet was killed by a giant spider, and Solomaz and the others got roped into investigating his death. Steven Oil met the group and thanked them for their efforts. Solomaz was still brand new to human society at this point, so he did not quite realize who Oil was.

Solomaz and the group were attacked by assassins outside some mines and got bailed out by a mysterious cloaked stranger. Solomaz immediately distrusted this person thinking no good person would want to conceal their identity. The stranger announced himself as Kevin Nguyen and pretty much insisted that Solomaz and the crew join him in a secret tunnel, which they reluctantly abided by. Kevin explained the whole secret agency thing but it went a little over Solomaz’s head. Solomaz still didn’t trust Kevin, so he left with Tea. He and Tea encountered a grung village where Solomaz met another lizardfolk called the Seer. The Seer hinted to Solomaz that the quest Tempest set him on may require him to take on uncomfortable opportunities, and Solomaz began to reconsider leaving Kevin, Oleander, and Nag behind. He didn’t have time to think about it though, as Cinnamon appeared looking for Oleander. Solomaz and Tea led Cinnamon back to the secret tunnel and they rejoined the agency.

From there on, Solomaz took a new approach to his quest and upon understanding the gravity of the Steven Oil situation, he decided to stay in the agency and work as an operative for Kevin and Bubbles. It’s around this time when he gave everyone the military titles. At the end of Part 1, Solomaz continues to help Oleander, Nag, and Tea with their missions.


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