
Name Pecorino (alias); Percy Romano (real name)
Age 47
Race Halfling
Hometown Downtown, Kalashport
Status Alive


Pecorino is a gangster for the Curds Mafia, primarily serving as Manchego's bodyguard. He has been a gangster his entire life to support his family, which immigrated to Kalashport a generation ago. He adopted Fet upon finding him abandoned in the streets and raised the child to survive Downtown as he had done.

Personality and Relationships

Pecorino is a man who tries to keep things simple. Growing up on the streets of Downtown Kalashport, Pecorino knows firsthand how everyone has their own battles they go through, so he remains slow to judge and tries to keep and open mind and a warm demeanor. This makes him one of the only good-aligned characters in the Faction Campaign, despite, you know, being a gangster.

Pecorino is the father figure of Fet, the mysterious changeling he found one day on the streets. Knowing no other way to survive, Pecorino raised Fet to be a gangster, teaching him the basics of survival and subterfuge. Being as open-minded as he is, Pecorino didn't care much when he found out Fet's changeling abilities. If anything, he thought they would be useful for roguish endeavours, so he helped Fet learn to use them. These days Fet and Pecorino are both in the Curds, but they have different jobs; Fet is constantly in the field on various tasks while Pecorino mostly stays by Manchego's side.

When the Curds began their campaign of taking over Downtown, Pecorino and Fet's gang was one of the first targets for merging. The reason was simple: Percy Romano was a well-renowned sharpshooter and bodyguard and Manchego needed the protection. Things quickly went south in the meeting between the nascent Curds and Percy's gang. Manchego (who was in his violent era at the time) had his gangsters attack everyone in the room, except the unassuming bodyguard. When the gunsmoke cleared, Percy was left as the first new member of the Curds. Fortunately, Percy didn't let Felice come to that meeting in case something went wrong. Percy wasn't mad that it happened - it's part of the game after all - he was only mad that he couldn't protect his boss. But as Pecorino would say, "Bosses come and go. The game remains."

In the two and a half years since that fateful meeting, Pecorino has remained Manchego's bodyguard. Manchego is even younger than Fet, so Pecorino has developed somewhat of a fatherly protectiveness for the new boss beyond what is required of his job. Manchego is as ruthless as any mafia boss can get, but Pecorino considers himself a good judge of character, and truly thinks Manchego has a good heart. Pecorino turns a blind eye to Manchego's obvious lies about the subway system, thinking whatever he is planning can't be that bad. Thier personalities compliment each other's well, with Pecorino's easygoing nature tempering Manchego's constant urgency.


Pecorino is an average build Halfling, whcih means he is only about three feet tall and weighs well under 100 lbs. He has graying messy orange hair, amber eyes, and pale skin. He wears the standard Curds uniform of slacks, a yellow shirt, green vest, and orange bowtie. Pecorino carries a tommy gun custom-built to be ergonomic to his small size.
