
Name Omni Bighammer
Age 49
Race Dwarf
Hometown Pulsa, Umbria
Profession Archaeologist, Professor
Status Alive


Omni Bighammer is an archaeologist, professor, and magic item expert at the University of Pulsa in Pulsa, Umbria. The Bighammer Clan is mostly known for its careers in law enforcement, but Omni went against the grain and followed in his grandfather, Girder Bighammer’s, footsteps to become an archaeologist.

Personality and Relationships

Omni is intelligent and talkative. He longs to one day make a great archaeological discovery - not for fame or fortune, but to prove to everyone that archaeology is not a boring profession. In the meantime, however, he spends most of his time at the university teaching students, not making discoveries.

Despite finding himself in deep caves and mysterious dungeons frequently, Omni is not best described as a brave person. He has never passed the Adventuring Competency Exam, so he is legally required to hire stronger adventurers to protect him during digs. At the first sight or sound of danger, he uses his small frame to duck behind rocks or hide in conveniently located pots.

Omni knows Cinnamon and Kevin from their college days at PU. He is older than them, but he was still in college as he was getting his third degree at the time. The three went their own ways after college, but Cinnamon and Kevin have recently reached out to Omni on various occasions for help with magic item concerns. Omni is kept in the dark about Steven Oil and the real purpose of the Resistance, but he has at times been dangerously close to figuring everything out.

Omni is relatively independent from the Bighammer clan because of his unusual career choice compared to the rest of the clan’s lean toward law enforcement. He is aware of relatives such as Lt. Bighammer in Kalashport, though he hasn’t met her.


Omni Bighammer is somewhat smaller than the average Dwarf, even before a certain rude wizard casts Reduce on him. He has messy dark brown hair and a beard he keeps comparatively short for a Dwarf. The extent of his Dwarven facial hair fashion is the short braids he ties on the end of his mustache. Omni wears khaki pants, olive button down shirts, and leather boots. On digs, he can be seen wearing an olive safari hat.
